A brief summary of me…

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A brief introduction, as I know wordy blogs aren’t likely to be read that much unless I am a celebrity or some other person of suitable interest. I have to use terms here that I myself don’t like but find it impossible to avoid, perhaps because I am not skilled enough, or perhaps because to do so would contradict my opening sentence.

I am biologically male and I am now in my early 40’s.  I have a perception which has been here for a long time, that my biological gender and my physical representation in the world feels wrong. It feels wrong to the extent that I do not recognise myself in other males, rather when I look at women I feel that is how I perceive myself to be. It feels wrong not to have the physical appearance of a female. My brain continually tells me that something is wrong and it does this when confronted with the physical appearance of a woman. Most markedly of course it does it when I see my own reflection. I do not recognise my male representation and it feels most strange to look at. I do not understand this and I never have, it is there as a part of my psychology and has been there since very early in my life. I didn’t understand it as a child of course and I understand as an adult there are terms which possibly might define things with more clarity now. They however remain terms, the only fact I understand is one of discomfort and things feeling wrong, beyond this despite years of personal research into the subject,  I still find medicine has yet to adequately come to a definitive conclusion as to what this is or how it arises. Yes there are theories and names but presently they remain only that.

This blog will be about my journey to correct what I understand as my discomfort. I would hope that if I can achieve an appropriate physical representation of  myself as a female then this will ‘cure’ the discomfort.  I have no way of knowing for certain that this will correct things but equally without doing it I know I will never be free of the discomfort.  I approach middle age and face enormous change in my life as many people do for a variety of reasons.  I have plans, hopes and dreams for how things may turn out and I wanted to document these experiences and thoughts not only for myself but perhaps also for others who are on a similar journey.

  1. Thanks so much for subscribing to my blog. You’re my first subscriber that didnt’ know me already. You win a prize!

    I’ve read some of your blog (I’m a slow reader, and it may take me a while to catch up), and I look forward to following your many stories, as you create your life, your art, and your fiction. I’ll follow you in your adventures, too, by subscribing. P.S. You have some pretty cool links to other articles; I’ve enjoyed some of them, too.

    • Oh my pleasure what you are doing sounds very interesting and I look forward to following your journey. I have mainly php bots following with nefarious intentions, so it is lovely to have a real human accessing my blog. Warm Regards Anabelle

  2. Josie says:

    Anabelle xx. I need to talk with you please xxx

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