Carnivorous Micro Organisms

The captain is a carrier

Another daft drawing  or rather doodle to play with the idea of pulp sci fi. This is the most hostile world humans have encountered on their exploration of the c14 galaxy.  Some of it is comic in the sense of early pulp sci-fi but also a doodle  that springboards other ideas, particularly the space crew CR unit soldier. It is interesting to doodle the character of the soldier for possible ideas of how these combat solders may look in this environment. The captain has been rescued from the surface, he was located wandering in sector 9 one of the most dangerous areas on X927’s moon AsterAz65  with no protective clothing and he is already showing signs of severe radiation exposure and skin decomposition from microbe attack. The CR unit soldier has connected the biological defence pack directly into his nervous system to send tissue defence bots to destroy all infection sites. He is signalling that the captain has been found. The captain is rather rocky horror show because it is hard to be serious when doodling 🙂 The captain  wasn’t supposed to look like Bono for example. but dressing him in a Vivienne Westwood jacket was intentional?? Please note wearing 3D glasses may improve the drawing somewhat. 3D glasses are not provided unfortunately.  I have heard that crossing your eyes sometimes works for a very cost effective 3D alternative!

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